Adventure Time

Published: Sept. 30, 2018, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is with a man that as soon as you hit his website and see \\u201cLove the Life you Live! Freedom is taken, not given. By living an Intentional Life, we ordinary people can live extraordinary lives.\\u201d you know he is perfect for Join Up Dots. He is a speaker, writer, educator and adventurer who has traveled to over 80 countries around the world and 49 of the 50 states in the USA, and he\\u2019s lived in France, Japan, Thailand, French Guiana, Washington State, Virginia, Alaska, and California. All the time learning from different people as well as having time to think. Allowing the brain to disconnect and focus on the present is the greatest way to get everything back in focus and on track. He has ridden a motorcycle on six continents and crossed the USA on one twice, and he\\u2019s summited of the highest mountain of eight countries and five states. He also has extensive experience teaching at the university level and working in business development, and he still pursues an adventurous lifestyle with his family. Now let\\u2019s reflect back on those first words. Freedom is taken, not given. And I\\u2019m sure there would have been many times when our guest would have thought \\u201cI would love to do this, but nah, I can\\u2019t\\u2026it\\u2019s not for people like me!\\u201d So when did he first start his first adventure, and was it as small journey into the unknown or a huge leap into the unknown? And where does he see so many people going wrong, who say \\u201cErik, I would love to do what you are doing?\\u201d Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Erik Seversen. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Erik Seversen such as: How so many people fail to realise that there is a world of adventure on their own doorstep. Get in a car at the weekend and see what\\u2019s waiting for you nearby. Erik shares how he started his first business, and the steps that he took to ensure that a steady growth was occuring month by month. How the power of the work life triangle is the way forward. How many of us add a big dose of \\u201cMe Time\\u201d into the balancing act? and lastly\\u2026. We discuss how the skill of delegation, and allowing people to do things even if its not the way that you would do it, is a key part of business growth.'