
Published: May 2, 2018, midnight

b"Building A Business Around Adventure And Travel With Rob Harsh My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is an\\xa0Adventurer, Coach and Cancer Survivor. He has been leading and\\xa0guiding people in business, outdoor adventure and personal growth\\xa0for twenty years. He has traveled extensively throughout the world\\xa0on climbing, kayaking, mountain biking and multisport expeditions\\xa0and has experience as a certified mountain guide, search and rescue\\xa0operator and working with adaptive athletes and injured veterans in the\\xa0outdoors. Along the way, he has climbed mountains on five continents and\\xa0participated in over fifty of the world\\u2019s toughest adventure racing\\xa0and ultra running endurance events. He is a Professional Coach and\\xa0expert in supporting people make positive shifts in their life, helping\\xa0them overcome adversity in any area of life and discover how to live in\\xa0alignment with who they authentically are. In 2016 he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer with a 4% chance\\xa0of survival, and as you can imagine as he is here with us today that within a year he was cured and now gives back to others\\xa0through inspiration and adventure. So did he always have the adventure lifestyle set out for himself, or like so many of us did he end up sitting in an office yearning for the great outdoors? And does he see more and more people looking for the escape from the norm, or are people still programmed to follow the life that others set for them? Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Rob Harsh Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Rob Harsh\\xa0such as: Rob shares how life hit him in the face when his girlfriend unfortunately passed away, and how he knew that he had to take the steps to change direction forever. We discuss the moment when Rob needed to take the leap of faith and why he knew that he couldn't hold back any longer.\\xa0 and lastly\\u2026. Rob shares how his business has taken four years to build, even with the cancer hitting in the middle, he didn't stop building and driving forward."