Action Taking

Published: Oct. 16, 2017, midnight

b'Action taking and taking the right action is the key to success. But how do you know what things that you should be doing? Well my guest today knows. She is a lady who has developed an online identity that is fun, inspiring and very different from what is out there. So one look at her website and I thought "Yeah this is something that I need to know more about" as it plays to the Join Up Dots message of authenticity. She is the founder of\\xa0The Action Incubator, sought-after\\xa0speaker, and Bestselling Author of 7 Principles for a More\\xa0Productive and Fulfilling Life. But more than that is she is a lady that seems to have cracked the code of knowing who she is, what she is, and what her clients want and need. You see if you define yourself clearly to the world then the world understands that you are the answer to their problems and will seek you out. Which makes lead generation, income production and fun swirl around your business like a tropical storm, blowing cash into your bank account like magic. But of course where hs is know was not where she started, and like all our guests she has been on a Leaving the University of Maryland with a degree in Business Administration she worked from 2005 to 2013 for several companies tracking goals, ensuring that systems were in place, and making things run smoothly. And so it wasn\'t a surprise when she took all these skills and created her own business, helping entrepreneurs and businesses across the world to systematize their own workflow and find spaces to work on money production instead of just fire fighting all the time. And it certainly looks like she is loving what she is doing, as her profile is growing across all platforms, as is her line of clients wanting to work with her. So when did she realise that she had many of the skills that she could use for herself and for her own business? And does she look back and think "I did it at the right time" or "Man, I could have done this years earlier?" Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Cat Stancik Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Cat Stancik such as: How she ended up having headshots for her business website just a few hours before giving birth....not the best time I would have thought. How she spent $80,000 in gaining an MBA in Business which led her totally in the wrong direction to where she was\\xa0 actually heading. Why it is so important to know your worth in life, and why that is doubly important in business life. If you don\'t know your value how can you ever quote your price to your perfect client? and lastly\\u2026. Why everything in life leads you where you are today. The experience is being gained, so make sure you look for opportunities to use that experience whenever you can.'