Accountancy Tips For Entrepreneurs

Published: May 11, 2020, midnight

b'Introducing Shift Financial Founder Spencer Sheinin Shift Financial founder Spencer Sheinin is our guest today joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast. He\\xa0 is a man who is taking the stress, pain and quite frankly annoyance out of one of the worst things about being in biz. Yeah we all know that part of the year when we start getting letters through asking for the paperwork that you can\'t find. And then it asks "how much did you earn last year, and you realise you have to work out the expenses to then take it away from the income"...nightmare. As he says "If you\\u2019re like most entrepreneurs, you probably hate accounting. The information your bookkeepers and accountants bring isn\\u2019t at all understandable or helpful, and you know you\\u2019re not getting the information you need to run your business. You\\u2019re stressed, fed up, and even embarrassed about the state of your books. But you don\\u2019t know how to make things better. One thing is certain: you can\\u2019t afford to spend time learning accounting\\u2014nor would you want to. How The Dots Joined Up For Spencer Sheinin As founder and CEO of Shift Financial Insights, his company provides ridiculously simple accounting and insights for businesses on the rise. Spencer loves sharing his knowledge as an instructor at the Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia (CPABC) and has spoken all over North America about why entrepreneurs shouldn\\u2019t fear their books. To be honest this is a man that looks like he doesn\'t fear anything as when he isn\'t knee deep in ledgers and spreadsheets, he is also an endurance sports enthusiast and has completed several ultra-marathons, IRON-MAN triathlons, and marathon swims. So when did he start to realise that instead of working for a major corporation it was time to go out on his own? And why do people struggle so much to keep things organised when running their online ventures? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Spencer Sheinin Show Highlights During the show we discussed such deep subjects with Spencer Sheinin such as: Why Spencer always gives the advice of outsourcing your accountancy issues as soon as possible when starting out in business. Why we should view having an accountant as going to the right Doctor for the right specialist advice. Choose the expert you need for the right task. Spencer reveals his "Why" for his business, and man has he knocked this out of the park on this one. Spine tingling stuff. And lastly........... Spence gives us a list of the big questions that we must all ask our accountants to make sure we get the gem.'