
Published: Aug. 19, 2016, midnight

b'Accountancy leads to a lifestyle business we would all want. My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady who was recommended to me by Danny Flood who appeared on episode 293 of the show. He said to me \\u201cI have a friend that you have to have on the show, as she has done something that all entrepreneurs want to achieve.\\u201d I said to him \\u201cWhat\\u2019s that Danny\\u2026tell me more!\\u201d And this is what he told me. Our guest went from running a time-sucking accounting consulting firm where she could never \\u201cturn off\\u201d from work to create a profitable productive service based business. And best of all this company has grown from 0-$15k MRR in 12 months, while scaling herself out of the operations to surf and spend time with family. Yes, whilst so many entrepreneurs are finding themselves trapped by the business that they have created our guest today has found the utopia that the world seeks. But its been a bit of a strange road to where she is today, as it was clear to see even as a young lady that she had the entrepreneurial spirit in abundance, evidenced when she started \\u2018Get a Grip Tennis\\u2019 a tennis coaching business . Over a period of 2 years she grew the business to a customer base of 70 and employed 4 assistant coaches. So you can see that she had the ideas, the hustle, the persistence, so why then slip into a quite convential route of acounntacy and auditing? And now that she gets chased by sharks through the waters of Australia astride her surfboard, does she have a blueprint that can work for anyone? Or is the lifestyle she has achieved, and that anyone can achieve, 100% down to the decisions that an individual makes? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Meryl Johnston.'