Aaron Walker Give Us The View From The Top

Published: July 24, 2015, midnight

b'Todays gentleman joining us on the Join Up Dots free podcast interview is Mr Aaron Walker, the host of The View From The Top podcast, and a man who from his home in Nashville USA, shows the world how you set goals, and create the life you want. He is a firm believer that the initial "Yes, I am going to take control of my own destiny and wow the world" can only last so long, before realism sets in. When those early mornings when you were bouncing out bed to grab your future, start seeming to be an insurmountable effort. And the whimsical flights of fancy that crash into your brain at warp speed and are instantly classed as the worlds greatest idea, start to dry up. You see he works with his clients to live life on purpose, ensuring that the initial dreams are giving every chance of developing, if it means sacrificing something else that is i your life. And after starting his first business at 18, and then buying and selling eight more companies over the last 40 years, he knows what it takes to bring action into your daily routine. And believe me these were the kind of business that you may already be thing this guy had developed, from loan companies, to jewelers and diamond exchanges, to construction he has tackled the challenges head on. So was he always someone that knew that the way to true fulfillment in his life was creating his economy right from the start? And does he see that most people could make things a lot easier for themselves if they only knew completely what it was that they truly desired? Well let\\u2019s bring onto the show to start joining up dots, as we discuss the words of Steve Jobs with the one and only Aaron Walker To listen more to Aaron Walker go to: Podcast The View From The Top By Aaron Walker has been a successful entrepreneur for over 30 years and a top guest on Entrepreneur on Fire with John Lee Dumas, Smart Passive Income with Pat Flynn, and The Art of Charm with Jordan Harbinger. Description: The View from the Top podcast is a world-class podcast created for men interested in living a life of success and significance. In this weekly podcast, host Daniel Bauer interviews men in the Iron Sharpens Iron Masterminds facilitated by Aaron Walker. Guests share what entrepreneurial insights and success stories from working in a mastermind. This show is for men interested in being successful businessmen, intentional husbands, and better friends. Men should come here regularly for inspiration and to get to the amazing guys at The View from the Top. Each episode is 20-30 minutes perfect for your commute, workout, and making your chores at home more enjoyable! Aaron Walker has been in a mastermind with Dave Ramsey, Dan Miller, and Ken Abraham for more than a decade and now he wants to share what he has learned with you, the listener.'