80 / 20 Principle

Published: Feb. 23, 2022, midnight

b'Mark Sieverkropp is todays guest joining us on the show, and is someone who now falls into a very select band of guests. This is the third time that he has appeared, after first back in 2014 with his business partner Scott Barlow on episode 37. If you go back and listen to episode 37, he spoke with passion and more than a touch of humour as to how they got the \\u201cHappen To Your Career\\u201d online business going. This was why he was still working in the corporate world in a job he hated whilst starting to make inroads into his new life. Well he did that, and when he appeared next he had another leg into the entrepreneurial world and was sharing with us all, the steps we can take, and skills we need to explode our network of friends, colleagues and clients sky-high and build our own business. As\\xa0 the saying goes \\u201cNo Man is an island\\u201d and with the worldwide web literally falling over with potential prospects, money making opportunities and\\xa0 chances to strike\\xa0 up a conversation are needed more than ever, which is where his talent lie. Now with his new book "Find Your 20" focusing in on the 80/20 principle and how we can all find time, enjoyment and even more income in our business by being strategic and streamlined as he finally found where he really wants to be? Is this where he looks and thinks "wow, without all the other dots there is no way that i could have brought this to the world? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Mark Sieverkropp.'