406: Jyotsna Ramachandran: Outsourcing Her Work To Love Her Life.

Published: July 31, 2015, midnight

b'Todays guest joining us on the show contacted me to say "I think that I should be on your show, because I am flexing the old hustle muscle everyday and doing it on my own terms too" Well, she didn\'t quite say that, but it doesn\'t take much more for me to think, this is the kind of guest I want to talk to, so here she is. This is a lady that like most of us got to a point in her life, when she looked at her job, and her personal situation and thought "I never want to be an employee again" Which can be one of the greatest realisations for self development, and the worst. You have the focus to take your life to where you want to be, but more often than not, you don\'t have any idea how to do it. And that is the case with todays guest who then tried out various businesses to find her thing. She started a staff recruitment agency, became a franchisee of a chocolate brand, did freelance web designing, and none really hit the spot. But upon the arrival of her daughter, and the realisation that when she was being with her daughter, the income production stopped that the dots had joined up. She had found what she needed to do in life. She knew that she had not built in the right systems to automate her businesses. She understood that in order to enjoy true freedom she needed to create passive income streams. She now runs a book publishing company called Awesome Life Resources and also helps people to get their books published through her new service called Publish My Book Today. The purpose of the website is to share all the tools and strategies that have helped her improve the quality of her life, which I\\u2019m sure is what we all want. So does she look back at the things that didn\'t quite work, and see that she couldn\'t get to where she is today without them? And has there never been a better time for the world to take control of their own life\'s, and have control of their time? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Jyotsna Ramachandran.'