397: Joel Gould: An Entrepreneur Who Leaves The World With A Smile

Published: July 10, 2015, midnight

b'Todays guest joining us on the Join Up Dots free podcast interview is Dr Joel Gould, an entrepreneur, businessman, author, and cosmetic dentist. A man with hustle muscle running through him and a desire to be the best that he can be. As he says "I am the classic, typical won\\u2019t take no for an answer guy. I am a PROBLEM SOLVER; I won\\u2019t limit myself, or trust almost anyone\\u2019s opinion of what I can achieve. This level of self-confidence arose solely from hard work, dedication, experience,\\xa0 and a willingness to be open to anything, and to never say never,except to say never say never." Now if this sounds like a guy who was born with confidence, and complete awareness of what he can achieve, then think again. This is a guy who was influenced heavily by the upbringing he received from his father, and the shocking diagnosis at the age of 14 that he was suffering from Crohns Disease. He is also a guy who was battered and bruised through the recession of 2009, and lost everything he had worked so hard to achieve almost overnight. He moved from a two million dollar house into a one bedroom apartment, and from that point onwards started fighting back And now everything seems great in his life. He has a thriving practice in California, is the author of the book "The Perfect Smile", and appears as a recognised expert on tv and media. So how did this native of Winnipeg, Canada, find himself building his dreamlife in California, USA? And does he accept the lessons life has thrown him as part of the game, or just unfortunate moments in his life that he didn\'t deserve? Well let\\u2019s bring onto the show to start joining up dots, as we discuss the words of Steve Jobs in todays Free podcast, with the one and only Dr Joel Gould'