395: Dr Kenford Nedd: Finding The Happiness In Everything

Published: July 6, 2015, midnight

b'My guest on todays Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who is driven to make us lead a happy and stress-free life. He is a practicing medical doctor, international keynote speaker, bestselling author, and highly sought after expert on stress and happiness. He believes that there are practices and skills that we can all learn, that can help us push away those stresses and issues that bother us all, and start smiling broadly. And he is certainly a man that has one of the biggest smiles I have seen ,so he must have mastered it himself. And from his base in Vancouver, he is sharing his skills via TV, presentations, podcast interviews, and even speaking directly to Prime Ministers and their cabinets, as we all want to have what he has. A stress-free and happy life everyday. So how has he learned these skills? Was he a big stresshead who realised that he had to do something about it, or was it a path that just found him? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, as we discuss the words of Steve Jobs in todays Free podcast, with the one and only Dr Kenford Nedd'