382: Kellie Hill: No Longer Saving Her Crystal For Special Occasions

Published: June 5, 2015, 4 a.m.

b"Todays guest joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast, is Kellie Hill, who is a lovely lady who is radiating health and wellness, and looks like the world is great around her. But that hasn't always been the case, as she is a survivor of both heart attacks and a stroke. And honestly, I was shocked when I discovered that fact, as I don't know what I expect heart attack survivors to look like, but its not our guest. But from that point, her life appears to have sped up with multiple appearances on television and becoming the international radio talk show host of Eat Well To Live Well With Kellie Hill. You see, once she had her health issues, Kellie has become the muse of neurologists and hematologists across the world, who concluded that her health diets saved her life more than once. And this is one of those fascinating dots on the join up dots timeline, as was she already on the path to now, or did she need these life shockers to really show her the way? Well we find out all about her healthy diet philosophy during the show, because is that there is no one-size fits all diet, but there are changes everyone can make in order to improve their health, Because of each one of is different, most diets will work for some people and not for others, so its important to understand your own body and its need in order to attain optimal health So how did she find out the fuel that makes her go off like a rocket, and learn the foods that are the best for her? And does she look back at the strokes, and heart attacks as a good thing now, or just something that she hopes she never has to go through again? Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Kellie Hill."