377: Bhavani Esapathi: Ripping Up The Invisible Handbook In Our Lives

Published: May 25, 2015, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is a lady who quite openly states that she has always done things unconventionally starting from not going to school as a child, to still holding the record of not having a \\u201cproper job\\u201d even once. But don\'t think that this is a tale about a lady who simply doesn\'t want to work. No this is a tale about a lady, who has been forced to live her life in a very specific way to due to health issues that have affected her since a small girl. At the age of 16 she lost one of her lungs, and was diagnosed with Crohns Disease coupled with a form of rheumatoid arthritis and spondylitis. Essentially, even if she wanted to hold down a full time job, then her body would not allow her to do so, which allowed her first steps on the path she is on today to start to appear before her She asked herself "How many others are out there thinking there is no better way to live or that they can\\u2019t follow their passions due to illness or a physical condition? As she says "It all made sense to me, the dots joined up on my unconventional upbringing that I could live in London, one of the most expensive cities in the world by leveraging my unconventional thinking. She has now created a community where other such inspirational people could share their stories and bring together a new understanding of what it means to live with a chronic condition at Chronically Driven. So how has she taken this idea and turned it into income? And does she now see her illnesses as a hindrance or a blessing that has led her to where she wants to be? Well let\'s bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Bhavani Esapathi'