368: Dr Patricia Noll: Helping Us All Find The Love Within

Published: May 4, 2015, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest on Join Up Dots, is an expert in self-esteem, empowering people to experience long-lasting real happiness from the inside out. She does this by teaching them how to feel good about themselves just because, and to stop defining their value by what they have done or not done and what they have or don\\u2019t have. Her mission and passion is to make a contribution to society by making a difference in the way people see themselves; especially those who have given up on life. As the founder and owner of a outpatient substance abuse program, Focus One, she has treated thousands of troubled individuals from all walks of life for the past 25 or so years. Many of these individuals were referred as the result of a drug- and/or alcohol-related offenses. Others came to her voluntarily because their lives were falling apart. They were depressed, angry, anxious, unhappy, discontent, their relationships were a mess, they were in financial trouble and/or they had an addiction to someone or something. It was through working with these patients that she discovered a lack of self-esteem because society had taught them to be other-dependent. They felt that they would find happiness in other things, not within themselves. Which lead her to begin looking at her own life in my personal quest for happiness, she made some very interesting discoveries on the way. So why do we all assume that outside influences are the way to to true happiness? And can she see this issue getting worse and worse as we all find it so much easier to see the achievements of others across the world? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Dr.Patricia Noll.'