357: Nick Holt: A Man Careful Of The Someday Syndrome

Published: April 20, 2015, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest on Join Up Dots is going to give us a different perspective to a story which we have already told back on a previous episode of Join Up Dots. His girlfriend and business partner Julie Gohring, came on the show on episode 330, and told us how together with todays guest she has created a life splashing around happily on the beaches of Costa Rica. But it isn\\u2019t all about having great fun and the life that he wants. Yes, he is passionate about using fitness and health to enrich peoples lives. As he says \\u201cI\\u2019ve been an athlete my entire life which has given me a unique set of tools to educate and motivate others to live healthier, fitter and more joyous lives. I love training on the beach and getting after it in the gym. Good nutrition (most of the time) solid recovery, and a little mindfulness practice round out my core beliefs. Surfing lights me up inside and motivates me to eat well, train hard, and stay well rested. I believe we all can find that activity that keeps us active and puts a smile on our face. And i\\u2019m here to help you discover it for yourself.\\u201d But this isn\\u2019t a tale of someone just playing to their strengths and it all comes together effortlessly. This is a story of someone making big decisions, and tackling his own mind chatter head on, as he transitioned from San Francisco and paradise, and a life that looks too good to be true. So how did he free himself from the naysayers, and doom mongers that will have thought \\u201cYou can\\u2019t have a life on the beach\\u2026..that is what vacations are for, not work?\\u201d And does he see the beach as the ultimate place for building a business based on your passions, just for the fact that if you can do it there you will believe you can do it anywhere? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr Nick Holt'