354: Mike Campion: Joining Up Dots With A Freaking Genius

Published: April 17, 2015, 4:01 a.m.

b'Just recently it was a delight to be asked to be a guest on a really fun show to do called "Conversations with a Genius"\\nYep, I know don\'t ask, but suffice to say that they didn\'t check me out well enough and I managed to crawl under the wire and get on the show.\\nAnd I had such a great time, I thought lets reciprocate by bringing the host onto join up some dots with me.\\nBut let\'s tell you about him, as he is a man that has had hustle muscle running through him at such an early age, and you can see that a lot of this was as a direct result of growing up as poor white child in the south Phoenix ghetto.\\nBeing raised by an amazing single mom with no money and a whole lot of hope.\\nAnd these formative years can either go two ways.\\nOne you can accept your lot, and stay in that situation, or two fight back.\\nAnd our guest did just that an embarked on a series of jobs, as he fought his way back to where he is today\\nAs he says "For the last 17 years I have started, built and sold businesses. I have had a ton of fun, learned a lifetime of business genius, and even enjoyed some pretty cool financial rewards. I have also had more than my fair share of cursing, shaking my fist at the heavens, and sitting in a ball in the corner rocking and crying. I have invested thousands of hours (and dollars) devouring books, courses, podcast, articles, blogs, and the like on how to be a successful business owner."\\nWell it now looks like it is all coming together for him, and why not, if you put in the effort and take consistent action everyday.\\nSo when he was a janitor, sleeping in cars everyday, did he truly believe that he could get to where his is today?\\nAnd does he see now that his Mother could have done things differently, or was it just lack of awareness and time that held her back?\\nWell lets find out as we bring onto the show, to start joining up dots with the one and only Mike Campion.'