352: Jason Kotecki: Breaking The Rules That Dont Exist Daily

Published: April 15, 2015, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest taps into something on a daily basis that we also talk about on a daily basis.\\nThe connection between being an adult and the child we once were.\\nYou see, as we discuss on Join Up Dots there was once a time in our life, when we free and able to dream big.\\nWe could sleep well at night, and wake up rested, ready for another day of big dreams, fantasy lives, and well being a kid.\\nAnd our guest came to the same realisation \\xa0although from a slightly different route.\\nYou see our guest left college and along with his wife entered the \\u201creal world\\u201d and quickly noticed a few things.\\nLike the fact that a shocking number of grown-ups are inflicted with Adultitis.\\nThey looked around and thought, \\u201cHey, kids don\\u2019t ever seem to be very stressed out \\u2013 what do they know that we don\\u2019t?\\u201d\\nAs they say " The \\u201cAdulthood\\u201d we encourage people to escape from is the one they create for themselves when they assume childhood is nothing more than a stage of life, a hermetically-sealed portion of their past.\\nIt is the Adulthood with all the stupid rules, the one that demands we always do the safe and prudent thing, that we earn play through hard work, and that we must always, without exception, take ourselves way too seriously.\\nYeah, that\\u2019s the Adulthood that sucks.\\nThis desire for escape is not new. But too often our attempts are limited to cheap thrills, strong drinks, or mindless entertainment.\\nWe believe there\\u2019s a better way."\\nWell lets find out what that better way is, because I feel they have already got believer in me.\\nSo its with delight that we get to bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Jason Kotecki'