351: Clint Arthur: From A Taxi To The TV In Ten Years

Published: April 14, 2015, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is a man who for over a decade chased the Hollywood Dream. Hustling like mad as a writer to get that breakthrough that would make everything possible in his life\\nHowever he hit a crisis point on New Year\\u2019s Eve of The Millennium when he became terrified that 5+ years of driving a taxi to survive would be irreversible career suicide.\\xa0\\nHe quit writing, dove into an intense transformational period of self-help and personal development work, and focussed on making money for the next 8 years, becoming fat and happy.\\xa0\\nObese, actually.\\xa0\\nAs the economy collapsed in 2008, Clint was at a men\\u2019s self-help meeting when the shaman pointed at Clint across the yellow and orange crackling flames of the camp-fire and said, \\u201cYou don\\u2019t know it yet, but you\\u2019re already dead.\\u201d\\nWell that is one of those comments that you can either take two ways.\\nOne...."What the hell is this man talking about, its quite obvious that I\'m not dead!"\\nOr two.........what our guest today did.\\nHe took it as inspiration to change his life like never before and in 2009, he made sure that he was going to live as if it was going to be his last year on earth\\nHe lost 40-lbs, built a factory which allowed his business to thrive during The Great Recession and beyond, wrote his first bestseller and revived his crumbling marriage.\\nBut rest assured this is not a story about a man who simply got lucky.\\nThis is a story about a man who took courgagoues decisions, and consistent action which led to a remarkable life.\\nSo does he see the turn round as simply a change in mindset, or is it much more than that?\\nAnd does he look back and think, if only I started earlier, or did he need to go through the rough times, to get to the true waiting path?\\nWell lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Clint Arthur.'