319: Michael O'Neil: From Accidental Entrepreneur To The LinkedIn Rockstar

Published: March 13, 2015, 4:01 a.m.

b'Well it\'s not often that you read on a persons LinkedIn profile such bit of\\xa0 essential business building information such as "I\'m interested in muscle cars, classic rock (Pink Floyd, The Eagles), vinyl records, the ocean, sunshine, Apple products and concerts. I\\u2019m known as \\u266b The LinkedIn Rockstar \\u266b, but I don\\u2019t work for LinkedIn."\\nAnd that, as we see time and time again on Join Up Dots is the profile of someone that is having fun, being authentic and rocking it bigtime.\\nStarting his career as an IT professional in Phoenix Arizona is seems to me that he was either a man on a mission or someone who got bored with roles quite easily.\\nAs he moved every few years from one position to another, seemingly looking for his thing, but of course gaining experience as he went.\\nBut it was when he moved into the career of Event planning and Networking that it all came together.\\nHe had found his thing, and now with his own radio show, a passion for Key Note speaking and motivational presentations and of course sharing LinkedIn best practices he is loving everyday.\\nHe is being true to himself, playing to his strengths and earning a living whilst doing it!\\nSo what was it about LinkedIn that really got him excited enough to build a whole business around it?\\nAnd why does he feel that we all seem to go through the same search at the beginnings of our careers?\\nWell let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Mike O\'Neil, the LinkedIn Rockstar.'