314: Shawn Stevenson: Rebuilding His Body And Success By Reshaping The World

Published: March 9, 2015, 1 a.m.

b'Todays guest on Join Up Dots is a man who seems to have cracked it big-time, and knows exactly what he was put on this planet to do.\\nAnd his mission is to make us the healthiest version of what we can be and live an amazing life everyday\\nBut unlike so many of our guests who have a childhood that was less than perfect, his life started in a very different way.\\nAs he says in his own words \\u201cI spent the first half of my childhood in a quiet suburban neighbourhood with all of the love and attention that a child could ask for.\\nI spent the second half of my childhood growing up in some of the most dangerous parts of the inner city, surrounded by gangs, drugs, alcohol, and violence on a daily basis.\\nI was able to gain so much from both environments, and I\\u2019m truly grateful for the life I\\u2019ve been given. The situations I was in helped me cultivate perspective, resourcefulness, and (most importantly) the power of choice.\\nHowever, it was in college that my entire world really changed. Not because of the education I was receiving, but because of the devastating illness that I was diagnosed with at the age of 20. Seemingly overnight I was in excruciating pain, I lost a great deal of function in my leg, and I could barely get from room to room in my house, let alone get around on campus anymore.\\nEssentially, my spine was deteriorating far faster than it was supposed to. And according to my doctor at the time, I had the spine of an 80-year old person, even though I was just a young college kid.\\u201d\\nAnd that was just the start of what would become life mission. Starting with getting himself healthy, he learnt so much that he could then share with the world.\\nAnd now being the founder of Advanced Integrative Health Alliance, a successful company that provides Wellness Services for both individuals and organizations worldwide, podcast host, and a dynamic keynote speaker life seems good\\u2026in fact very good.\\nSo does he see people struggle in life as they haven\\u2019t had the good and the bad, so aren\\u2019t aware of what they can deal with?\\nAnd would he like to go back in time and change anything that has occurred whilst on this earth?\\nWell lets find out as we bring onto the show, to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Shawn Stevenson'