308: Amber Lilyestrom: The Lady With The Magic Scissors Cuts Another String

Published: March 2, 2015, 5:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest in an expert on branding a business to reflect personally your own identity.\\nShe is of total belief that the personality of a business should be linked intrinsically with that of the owner.\\nIf you are a serious and professional type then your branding you should emphasise that.\\nIf you are a crazy, fun loving person, then hey throw caution to the wind.\\nAs she says \\u201d It\\u2019s time to Step in to YOUR power. I stood in your shoes. Anxious, afraid, paralyzed and unable to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I just knew the things I was doing weren\\u2019t it. After a life-altering experience with the birth of our daughter, when I stopped breathing on the operating table of a routine c-section, I knew it was time to make a change. It had awakened in me a feeling like nothing I had experienced before and with my daughter\\u2019s birth, I was reborn. I was ready.\\u201d\\nIt\\u2019s a common theme, that so many times\\xa0 in peoples lives its those earth shattering, scary moments that really wake you up and helps you look for a new future.\\nAnd that was the case with todays guest and as she says again \\u201cWe only get one shot in this go-round. So I took the leap, I left my 10-year career and the safe nest of my alma mater and decided to launch my own business. Looking back, it was the greatest decision I could have ever made for my family and for my LIFE.\\u201d\\nSo how did she know what direction she should be going in when she decided to take the leap of faith and go it alone?\\nAnd does she find the subject of branding to be something that is almost universally made more complicated than it actually should be?\\nWell lets find out, as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Amber Lilyestrom.'