307: Laura Steward: How She Wanted To Go To Space, But Is Now Hitting Even Higher Heights!

Published: March 1, 2015, 5:01 a.m.

b"It's with great delight that I welcome on todays show a lady who is the a author of a very cool book called, What Would a Wise Woman Do: Questions to Ask Along the Way.\\nBut don't think for a moment that this is a show that will only apply to the ladies of the world, as this is all about living an amazing life, and working out the right questions to make this happen.\\nYou see that is the subtle difference. \\nMost people go looking for the answers, but skip the most important part....the questions.\\nFrom the wisdom she learned at her mother\\u2019s side to the insight she gained baking pies with her Grandmother, our guest has developed an innate ability to ask the questions that propel business leaders and entrepreneurs to incredible achievements.\\nAnd this is where it gets really good.\\nIt's not about working from a higher level of consciousness. \\nOr having the inside track that has cost thousands of dollars to get.\\nInstead our guest works from\\xa0a simple philosophy \\u2013 \\u201cTreat people better than they expect to be treated\\u201d, and it is from this belief that she was able to carve her niche and stand out in the highly competitive IT field, building Guardian Angel Computer Services from a sole employee business into a leading provider of Managed Technical Services.\\nAnd we can all do that can't we?\\nTeat people well, help people get everything they want in life,\\xa0 enjoy ourselves doing it and see the amazing life start forming around us!\\nBut of course the million dollars question is why do people have a hard time buying into such a simple premise that leads towards success?\\nAnd of course having a wise woman on the show, what are the key questions that we should be asking ourselves on a daily basis to help us along the way?\\nWell let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Laura Steward."