305: Therese Skelly: A Lady Who Changed Her Life With The Keys To A Nissan

Published: Feb. 27, 2015, 5:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest on Join Up Dots is a lovely lady, who was introduced to me by another lovely lady Joan Sotkin who appeared on episode 242.\\nShe said to me "David you have to get my friend on the show, she has hustle, passion, and enthusiasm coming out of every pore"\\nAnd so that is what I have done, and she has a brilliant backstory that makes her perfect for a show like this, as in her own words she starts with\\n"Guess I\\u2019d say that I am the quintessential \\u201cAccidental Entrepreneur.\\u201d\\nI didn\\u2019t come to the party via business school or any well-crafted plan.\\xa0 Nope.\\xa0 I listened to Guidance and jumped in the middle of the deep end!\\nMy first career came about with a Master\\u2019s Degree and 25 years of counseling experience. That actually gave me a fabulous foundation to understand the inner working of the mind, motivation, behavior, and those crazy unconscious parts that hold us back.\\nBut it did NOTHING to prepare me to run a business or make a bunch of money!\\xa0 Not at all.\\nThat has come through grit and grace!\\xa0 Being committed to do whatever it takes to learn and grow.\\xa0 Finding mentors who will shine lights on the places I can\\u2019t see. Being in focused action, and a fierce and firm decision to follow this path and never, ever give up on my dream."\\nAnd that my faithful listeners is a blueprint to success, and one that will be worth you grabbing a pen and paper and jotting down the nuggets of gold I just know we will deliver on this show.\\nSo how did she find the courage to jump in at the deep end, when so many people are scared of even dipping the toes into the water?\\nAnd looking back on it, are there things that she would have differently that can make our transition from unhappy employees to life loving folk?\\nWell lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Therese Skelly.'