300: Chris Plough: Live Life With The Motivation To Switch Off His Life GPS

Published: Feb. 22, 2015, 5:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest joining us on the top rated Join Up Dots podcast, is a man who not only has an amazing demonstration of facial hair, but also has an amazing passion for life, adventure, grabbing success and enjoying himself.\\nHe calls himself an adventurer, entrepreneur, solopreneur and a storyteller and is being truly authentic to what he was put on this earth to be.\\nBut his life hasn\'t always been one that sounds like every boys dream.\\nTraveling through foreign lands.\\nChatting with unusual strangers.\\nAnd living a life on his own terms.\\nIn his own words he says "As a small child I wanted to be an explorer \\u2013 to discover new, far away lands. But as I grew up, these dreams began to fade and were replaced with bank accounts, mortgages and dull conversations. Then a series of tragic events changed the course of my life. A few months later, I was riding across Mongolia in an ambulance. I had, in a small way, attained my childhood dream. From that inflection point, my life has been on a different path."\\nHe poses the question that is perfect for a show like this that has a tagline like "Connecting our pasts to build our futures"\\n"What would it be like if, even for an instant, you could step into the shoes of your childhood dream? What if it is possible \\u2013 and we\\u2019ve just convinced ourselves that it isn\\u2019t \\u201cfeasible\\u201d as we\\u2019ve grown older?"\\nWhat would it be like indeed?\\nSo what is it about humans that seem to need a series of tragic events to start looking closely for the true course of their lives?\\nAnd does he see the first part of his life as one of wasted opportunity, or just an apprenticeship for where he is now?\\nWell lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr Chris Plough.'