298: Kim Corbin: A Lady Who Skips Towards A Great Future

Published: Feb. 20, 2015, 5:01 a.m.

b'When I started the show, I never considered that I would be having conversations on certain subjects, but todays episode is one of those that has arisen a few times.\\nIt is something that most of us have spent time doing when we were young, but stop doing, because it seems uncool to do it as adults.\\nBut todays guest has taken that logic and turned it on its head, as she is bringing skipping back into the adult world.\\nYep, that type of skipping that you might have done as a kid.\\nOur guest created iSkip in the spring of 1999 when she became so inspired after skipping for the first time as an adult that she decided to invite the rest of the world to join her.\\nShe began organizing regular group skipping events in San Francisco, and in January 2000 quit her corporate job to pursue her dream full time.\\nShe poured her heart and soul into her vision, recruited head skippers in as many as 60 cities, and attempted to start a writing and speaking career.\\nUnfortunately, that didn\\u2019t go so well.\\nShe ultimately skipped herself into financial ruin, and would spend the next several years going through what she calls the \\u201cpost acute skipping hangover\\u201d phase of her journey.\\xa0 But as soon as she\\u2019d think her skipping path had come to an end, a newly inspired Skipper offering a unique contribution to the skipping world would skip onto the scene.\\nSo what was it about skipping that wouldn\\u2019t let her go, even when she hit the dark point of perceived failure?\\nAnd does she see it more a boost for your mental happiness, or for your physical health.\\nWell lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Kim Corbin.'