292: Mike Ferry: A Man Teaching The World A Different Way To Learn

Published: Feb. 14, 2015, 5:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is the kind of person that I haven\\u2019t had on the show since way back on episode 18, a teacher.\\nAnd not an entrepreneural ex-teacher, but one that is still on a daily basis going to school and teaching his pupils history.\\nSeems like a normal teacher?\\nWell consider how many teachers you have had in your life that also focused on happiness?\\nYeah, I can\\u2019t think of more than\\u2026.well none to be honest.\\nHe believes that discussing happiness with sixth graders will help them understand the path to well-being and how to create habits that nurture it.\\nThey will be laying a foundation for lifelong resilience, contentment and, ultimately, success in whatever endeavors they pursue.\\nSo with that in mind, he takes a few minutes each morning to ask his students to consider something they\\u2019re grateful for, happy about or that makes them feel good.\\nAnd now with his new book \\u201cTeaching Happiness and Innovation\\u201d he goes even deeper into the world happiness, with practical exercises that we can all do to increase our well being and\\u2026.well be happy.\\nSo was this a focus that he has always had in his life, or did he suddenly realise one day that there was a different way of teaching?\\nAnd what has he found to be the biggest obstacle with kids to achieving this state of mind?\\nWell lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr Mike Ferry'