277: Jane Kenyon: A Lady Proud To Turn The World Into Divas

Published: Jan. 30, 2015, 5:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest has certainly been on a roller-coaster ride to where she now find herself today.\\nFrom a privileged background to alone and broke at 16; successful, high flying corporate career to entrepreneurial burnout at 35; wealth to near bankruptcy twice, her critical moments are many and her ability to convert failure into success an inspiration to everyone she meets.\\nAnd with such a track record of the highs and lows in life, it is little surprise that she has become passionate about inspiring women and young girls to utilise their female power and energy, and kick some serious booty.\\nWith her two platforms \\u201cWell Heeled Divas\\u201d and \\u201cGirls Out Loud\\u201d gaining a passionate following, she works with ladies, and young ladies to find the thing that lights them up inside and think differently to recognise their full potential.\\nShe believes that the we have the duty \\u201cto step up and create an outstanding life as opposed to settling for mediocrity.\\u201d which I suppose the vast amount of people on this world do.\\nShe published her first book Superwoman \\u2013 Her Sell By Date Has Expired!: Time to show Little Miss Perfect the door last year which is selling well, and certainly the future and the present appears very rosy indeed.\\nSo where did her corporate career go wrong?\\nAnd why did she feel the need to go 360 and step away from the \\u201cwhat can I gain\\u201d mentally of corporate of the world, and move boldly into the \\u201cwhat can I give\\u201d world she now loves everyday?\\nWell lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mrs Jane Kenyon.'