276: Mark Jamnik: A Man Born To Inspire One Million People

Published: Jan. 29, 2015, 5:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is brought onto the show to share with us a story that so many have felt in the past.\\nThat dawning realisation that the career that you have worked so hard for is beginning to lose its shine.\\nYou have been full steam for years, doing great work, and then the shine slowly disappears and leaves you at a crossroads.\\nAs he says on his own personal blog\\n"I had a successful career in sales, and just as I was coming off my best year in my career, the economy shifted. I lost two large clients due to set backs, but more importantly I lost my purpose. I didn\\u2019t know why I was doing my job anymore. Just a year after earning my highest commission ever, I was on the verge of losing my job. Sales wasn\\u2019t a life I was excited about anymore. The job and the stress were making me physically ill.\\nAnd I kept on thinking \\u201cAm I really supposed to be doing this?\\u201d\\xa0\\nHave you thought the same thing in your life listeners?\\nI know I have.\\nBut its what we do when we are at this point that is the key thing to everything.\\nDo we carry on at the crossroads, and keep on the path that we have always been on?\\nOr do we do as our guest did and "turned off the TV and start reading, traveling, and exploring other interests. Keeping his feet moving, until after soul\\xac-searching, everything lined up\\u2026his curiosity, his strengths and his purpose:\\nHe\\u2019d discovered the simple steps that led him to truly enjoy life daily, and know in his heart of hearts that he had found what he was looking for.\\nWell, I\'m sure you are all desperate to find out what he had found, and learn to smile as broadly as this guy seems to do everyday.\\nSo let\'s not waste anymore time, but bring onto the show to start Joining Up Dots with the one and only Mr Mark Jamnik'