269: Matt Booth: Just A Man Who Is Doing His Best

Published: Jan. 22, 2015, 5:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is a man whose middle name is "Attitude" and works everyday on showing others how the A word is really the key to everything.\\nWell to be honest I don\'t know if his middle name is Attitude. but it certainly should be.\\nAs he says "What\\u2019s The Value of Your Attitude? There is an old saying that \\u201cattitude is everything\\u201d. Is that true? I think Attitude is the START of everything! Attitude determines your thoughts and ultimately your actions."\\nWe can decide every morning if we are going to have a great day.\\nWe can literally choose whether we are going to achieve our goals just by choosing how we decide to think and start taking action.\\nBut of course that is more easily said than done, so how has he managed to build a life around not only thinking this way, but also helping others to turn their mind-set to a ten?\\nWell one of the things which just happens to be the name of his second book is you have to "Be Yourself Improve Yourself"\\nFind your authentic self, relax into who you were born to be, stop striving to compete against high achievers and enjoy life.\\xa0\\nWhich is exactly what he has done.\\nBut how did he come to this realisation that this was the only way to operate whilst on this planet?\\nAnd does he see common themes that run through all of us no matter where he finds himself presenting to eager dream chasers!\\nWell lets bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Matt Booth'