264: Carl Gould: A Man Who Knew It Was Time To Put Down The Hammer

Published: Jan. 17, 2015, 5:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is a master at helping people become entrepreneurial and create businesses that not only work, but flourish.\\nHe learned from an early age that he had the ability to see a larger vision and that everything is an opportunity.\\nThis was the foundation on which he built his reputation as an International Entrepreneur, growing successful companies across six continents.\\nBut it also helps massively when you come to the realisation that "You cant work for anyone else" and that realisation certainly is a huge part that has made our guest flex his hustle muscle, and start swinging.\\nHe started his career in probably one of the most inspirational, positive environments possible, as for eight years he worked in the Anthony Robbins Companies in San Diego, where he trained, coached and inspired people everyday.\\nAnd from that point onwards two things seemed to come together massively.\\nFirstly he realised that he had an amazing talent to helping people grow their businesses, and love what they are doing at the same time, and secondly he found that he loved doing this more than anything else.\\nAnd that seems to me to be a common trait to achieving great success.\\nFind the thing you love doing most, which fulfils the largest need in others.\\nAnd now as a keynote speaker, coach, mentor and author of the bestselling book The 7 Stages of Small-Business Success: From Startup to Seven Figures in Three Years or Less\\xa0 where he makes the thought provoking statement "The personality of a business will mirror the personality of its owner."\\xa0 he is a man on a mission\\nSo when did he realise that he was unemployable and couldn\'t work for anyone else again?\\nAnd did he boldly go into the unknown, certain of success, or did he carry the same fears that we all have striding out on our own?\\nWell let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Carl Gould.'