263: Michelle Joni: Who Wants The World To Keep Playing

Published: Jan. 16, 2015, 5:01 a.m.

b"Todays guest has a fascinating tale that has lead to a success that many adults might stop for a moment and ponder why and how has that occurred?\\nShe is the owner and founder of a skipping club in New York city, whereby she arranges groups of people to get together and go on skipping adventures.\\nAnd when we say skipping, yep it is as you might be imagining.\\nIt's the type of hopscotching, kid type of skipping which is going down a storm around the streets of New York, but you may not have done it for years.\\nEach outing, which includes a few pit stops along the way, is centred on a topic of the week, such as the Beatles or Valentines Day, and a bit of dressing up to match that theme is required.\\nAnd this for many would sound dreadful, but for others (me included) sounds fun, enjoyable and a fear smasher.\\nSkip your way around New York and literally change your life whilst your doing it.\\nDon't be worried about what other people think, but just do your thing, and love doing it.\\nAnd that statement really empashises what todays guest is doing through to her core.\\nFrom working at Vogue and Saks, to creating an online game, to help her experience every amazing thing NYC had to offer, to wearing an afro for months on end and writing about it .\\nShe is a lady on a mission, doing things her own way, and loving it.\\nSo did she always have this energy of creative fun in her life?\\nAnd why does she think that the world is by and large frightened of enjoying themselves, and looking for ways to enjoy themselves whilst earning at the same time?\\nWell let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Michelle Joni."