254: Isabel Foxen Duke: A Lady Who Didn't Wait To Help Fight The Weight

Published: Jan. 7, 2015, 5:01 a.m.

b'Starting her career in the Corporate world, our guest started her working life as far away from being the kick ass slayer of weight issues that you could possibly hope to be.\\nWorking at first for Citibank, she moved through a series of banking positions at a rate of knots.\\nMany of them not lasting more than a few months in total.\\nA lady trying to find herself, whilst earning a living.\\nNot understanding the true passions that she had for helping others.\\nBut all the while building the hustle muscle to explode from the gates when the opportunity appeared to her.\\nAnd that opportunity looks as if it appeared when she started working for the New York Institute for Integrative Nutrition that the dots began to join up and the path began to show itself to her.\\nBut perhaps it didn\'t and she was always interested in what caused weight issues and how to resolve them.\\nI suppose we will find out during the conversation, but what is true is as she says in her own words "My goal is to empower women around the issue of weight management and body image, so they can start living their lives like the badasses they really are.\\n\\xa0Your weight dramas are scared of me - I slay them all day. "\\nSo was she a lady that has struggled with weight in the past, or was she someone surrounded by people that she realised that she could help?\\nAnd what was it about the corporate world that for an outsiders point of view didn\'t really fit her?\\nWell let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only, Isabel Foxen Duke'