250: Liz Goodchild: A Lady Who Feels We Should Be More "Me"

Published: Jan. 3, 2015, 5:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is a lady who from her base in South London, is bringing lightness and a purpose to clients, friends and colleagues everywhere.\\nShe is a positive person, who thrives on the simple things in life, and likes nothing more than getting her running shoes on and pounding the streets of London and beyond, whilst inspiring ladies to do the same too.\\nShe is a coach, mentor, runner, blogger and best of all...no I shouldn\'t say this but an avid listener of Join Up Dots with David Ralph.\\nNow if this sounds like a lady who has had everything go swimmingly in her life then think again, as\\xa0 14 years ago, her mum killed herself, and\\xa0 in our guests own words.....\\n\\xa0"To say my world shattered into a million tiny pieces would be an understatement. After her death, I shut down - deciding to stay small - I couldn\\u2019t bear the thought of living the life I wanted to live, for fear of my world blowing apart again.\\nAnd so I lived like this for many years, working in unfulfilling corporate jobs and feeling like I wanted to crawl under my desk every day and cry.\\nIt was through a mixture of years of therapy and coaching that I began to emerge from my sleepwalking-through-life lumber and start to recognise that life had so much to offer, so much possibility and joy, and it was down to ME to find it inside myself to live the life I wanted."\\nAnd that is the key message to the shows we deliver\\nIt is down to me, you, and all of us to encourage each other to find the lives we want, and get the dream that we deserve.\\nBut more than anything it is down to wanting something so bad that we wont stop until we get it.\\nSo does she look back at her life as one of two halves now?\\nAnd where does shed the ability to tackle clients issues head-on, when she has dealt with so much herself in her life?\\nWell let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Liz Goodchild'