249: Allen Klein: Finding The Funny Where Others Fear To Look

Published: Jan. 2, 2015, 5:01 a.m.

b'Are you someone that likes a laugh in life but sometimes feels that there is a time and a place for it?\\nYou will suppress it and keep the stoney face that your bosses or environment seem to want as the normal way of being.\\nWell todays guest is an expert in Gelotology the study of laughter and its effects on the body, and travels the world presenting in a humorous but informative manner that audiences have been raving about for years.\\nHe teaches us to find the funny in situations even if those situations aren\'t outwardly the humorous types that we should be laughing at.\\nAnd I guess that will make the world a lot nicer to live in I imagine.\\nStarting his career way back in 1963 designing shows for tv characters such as Captain Kangaroo, he seems a man that from the start has managed to mix work and play, enjoying himself in most situations that he found himself in.\\nAnd now with over 20 books written on the subject of laughter such as "The Healing Power of Humor, The Courage to Laugh, and Change Your Life!" does he still feel that their is a lot to be done to get his message out there?\\nAnd does he feel that the world is losing the ability to laugh quite in the same way as we would have done in years gone by?\\nWell lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with Mr Laughter himself, Mr Allen Klein.'