247: Lee Gaitan: A Lady Who Hit Rock Bottom And Bounced Back Bigtime

Published: Dec. 31, 2014, 5:01 a.m.

b'Most of the time on Join Up Dots I write the intros to the show, by researching many different resources to get a flavour of what the guest is all about.\\nAnd then every once in a while a guest comes along who basically writes their own intro, and this is what happened today\\nI checked her "about page" and saw the following, and thought wow how can I top that.....so in her own words\\n"In the past twelve years I have had to deal with more than a healthy helping\\xa0 of \\u201care you kidding me?\\u201d moments.\\nIn 2002, I hit rock bottom. It was so bad I\\xa0 lovingly refer to it as a year of \\u201cshock and awfulness.\\u201d That year my father died,\\xa0 my mother was in the hospital, semi-comatose from grief, and my husband of\\xa0 22 years lost every penny of our money BEFORE running off to Arizona with\\xa0 his girlfriend, who just happened to be a former stripper.\\nThat was just the beginning.\\nI spent the next decade struggling with loss and challenges on every\\xa0 front, from finances and family to health and career.\\nWhile there were many bounces up and down over the years, I have finally\\xa0 bounced back and it was well worth the effort. I\\u2019m now happily remarried,\\xa0 employed and have published my second book. I even have children on three\\xa0 continents and a granddaughter far too far away!!"\\nNow that is a movie in the making if I ever saw one.\\nSo what is it about todays guest that has managed to find the strength and desire to pull herself back in such a spectacular way?\\nAnd why is her book called "My Pineapples Went To Houston"??\\xa0 I can\'t wait for the reason behind that.\\nSo let\'s not wait any longer, and start joining up dots with the one and only Lee Gaitan'