227: Anthony Robert: From A Farm To Court And A Life He Loves

Published: Dec. 11, 2014, 5:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is a man who has an amazing story from a farm in South Africa to Scotland before settling in the United Kingdom.\\nAnd it seems like so many people who appear on the show, his journey began on a path that was closely linked to family responsibilities and the childhood that he came to feel was normal.\\nHis Father ran a sugar cane farm in South Africa, and upon passing away when our guest was just 14 lead to the first dot in our guests Join Up Dots timeline.\\nShould he allow the farm to be handed over to a new buyer, or run the farm himself to keep it in the family?\\nBut was running a sugar cane farm the true\\xa0 passion in his life or simply the right thing to do.\\nWell whatever the case he made the decision to go to an agricultural college for his last three years of school as part of his preparation for farming, and after fulfilling his compulsory military duties, five years later became a farmer.\\nBut that is just the start of his journey, and with further stops via the windy and cold city of Aberdeen in Scotland, and a tennis club in the South of England he found something that he loves doing and is very good at.\\nBuilding online businesses he has helped thousands of people increase their online profits from a few hundred to thousands of pounds a month using a number of time tested internet business models.\\nHe is the go to resource for passive income that works whilst you are asleep.\\nSo does he look back at his time as a sugar cane farmer as a lucky escape, or does he regret making the decision to move on?\\nAnd what is it about entrepreneurial ventures that excites him on a daily basis?\\nWell lets find out as we bring onto the show, to start joining up dots, the one and only Mr Anthony Robert.'