221: Charlie Poznek: Inspiring The Baby Boomers To A Great Future

Published: Dec. 5, 2014, 5:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is a man who in many ways is on a similar path as myself, he wants to change the world of the baby boomers.\\nHe wants to inspire the world to learn from the struggles and success of others, and take control of their own lives.\\nDo things that they love and lead a spectacular life.\\nAs he says "I found it difficult to live a spectacular life while working for someone else. For the better part of 20 years, I worked in the hedge fund industry and wouldn\\u2019t trade the experience for anything. I met some great people who remain friends to this day, and I met some really smart people. The problem was that I was helping build someone else\\u2019s dream (as the saying goes, if you\\u2019re not building your dream, someone else will happily hire you to help build theirs)."\\nAnd that is a huge problem, which for many never occurs but also for many causes them to struggle their way to a future that this 100% theirs. No boss. No time restraints. But their own dream existence.\\nIn looking at ways to create his spectacular life, he noticed a lot of people (often in their 20\\u2019s and 30\\u2019s) living the kind of life he wanted to live.\\nA common factor seemed to be they engaged in some form of online commerce by selling a product, service or information.\\nSo he began investigating ways he could build an online business while continuing to work in the hedge fund industry.\\nAnd in a matter of a few years, he transitioned from working for someone else to creating strong online presences for his various business ventures.\\nHe quickly learned what a powerful tool an online business can be in creating a spectacular life.\\nAnd now with his top ranked podcast, coaching programmes, webinars and eagerness to help everyone that he comes into contact with, he is well on his way.\\nBut what ws it about his experienced in corporate that he wouldn\'t trade for anything?\\nAnd where is his dream now, as everything he has been working towards starts coming together to give home the spectacular life?\\nWell lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, the one and only Charlie Poznek'