216: Sara Speicher: A Lady Who Went Through Hoops To Get The Dream

Published: Nov. 30, 2014, 5:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is a lady who has a journey to where she is today that could be turned into a movie.\\nShe first arrived in the United States from Slovenia not with a dream to make it on the corporate ladder, and rise to the top of the business world.\\nInstead she was recruited by an NCAA Division I basketball coach to bring her vast knowledge of basketball to the states, and so she left her home town of only 10,000 and landed in New York\\nWell that for many people would have been scary enough, but just imagine doing the same thing when you can\'t really speak the language of the country you were aiming to flourish in.\\nWell this didn\'t stop her at all, and in one season she led her team to one regular season title, first WNIT appearance and a conference championship game. Wow!!\\nAnd now she has taken that attitude of becoming a champion, and moved into the world of business where she helps other business owners realize their business goals and guide them to success as a virtual business manager and business consultant.\\nHer life has run the gamut of both setbacks and successes.\\nShe has had the highs of winning streaks, the lows of unemployment.\\nShe has struggled to build a business and succeeded in creating one that is not only thriving but has helped other achieve their business goals.\\nAnd now with her book "BOLD! Helping YOU Unleash The Hero Within\\u201d she is helping the world to become a champion and all become heros.\\nBut how did she first get found in Slovenia with the job offer from the states?\\nAnd did she have the same self-doubts that stop so many of us from trying something new?\\nWell let\'s find out as we bring onto the show, to start joining up dots, with the one and only Sara Speicher.'