176: Amani Channel: A Man Who Has Lived His Life Through The Lens

Published: Oct. 21, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Since attending University at South Florida our guest today has literally been capturing the world from in front and now behind the lens of his camera.And although it might have seemed like a hobby, or just something to do at first, it has lead to a career in TV news, video production, broadcast PR, and even teaching.And that is the beauty of joining up the dots, although you can see the path clearly when you look back, at the time its just grabbing opportunities, making connections, and hopefully enjoying yourself.And it seems that our guest who originated from California, has been enjoying himself as he has traveled the\\xa0 length and breadth of the country doing the very thing that he loves.And now with a handful of awards to his name and appearances on NPR, and Forbes.com, he has developed his own resource center at webvideochefs where he teaches us all how to get the best from our cameras.So lets start looking at his life through a lens as we join up dots with the one and only Amani Channel. Dream Jobs, Online Courses, Persistence, Personal Trainer, Decision Making, Publicity, Young Entrepreneur, Freedom, Addicted, Shawn Stevenson, American Hustle, Make Money Online, Motivational Quotes, Expedition, Challenges, Steve Jobs, How To Start A Business, The Secret, Rich, Online Marketing, Time Management, Blogger, Videos, Recruiting, Authentic, Travel Blogs, Ultra Running, American Football, How To Make Money, Online Business, Company Culture, Law Of Attraction, Planet Money, Jobs, Video Marketing, Linkedin, Success Principles, Digital Marketing, Action Taking, Starting A Business, Successful Entrepreneurs, Personal Branding, Amazon, Lead Generation, Career Change, Life Planner, Comfort zone, Simplicity, Break The Rules, Book Launches, Personal Finance, Secret To Success, Business Plan, Health And Fitness, Tech Startup, Self Publishing, Entrepreneurs, Love, Career Path, Educational, Creativity, Selling, motivation, motivational, inspiration, confidence, success, freedom'