17 Year Old College Student & Entrepreneur

Published: March 29, 2021, midnight

b'Isha Uppalapati is todays guest on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. She is an inspirational go getting young lady who not only has the passion to become a top entrepreneur, but also has the desire to drag others along for the ride too. She is the founder of A Girls Frontier, an organisation founded in 2018, whilst a senior at Walton High School in Atlanta, GA. She started A Girl\\u2019s Frontier\\xa0to provide opportunities for young girls all over Metro Atlanta and the whole world As she says proudly "No matter where they may be, our organization makes sure that we can provide them with the necessary support for them to achieve their goals in life. Our programs focus on education, mentorship, and outreach. The goal of our non-profit organization in Atlanta, Georgia, is to empower young girls by helping them financially through their education, as well as teaching them important entrepreneurial skills. We want girls to know that they can be leaders in the business world, regardless of the challenges in their way." \\xa0 How The Dots Joined Up For Isha Now this isn\'t something that just occurred over night as her entrepreneurial story started almost at the start of her life due to the loving support of her dad. She says "Ever since I was young, my dad and I would brainstorm different tools that we could produce. We tried to create little trinkets that would make life easier. We also wrote small children\\u2019s books. Over time, my desire to create new things has not faded. I want to create something that can create a change. This is why I want to create opportunities for girls who have similar dreams that I do, but don\\u2019t have the support to do it on their own." So does this dream make it doubly difficult to achieve the success that she quite obviously is going to get? Or in fact does it become easier by surrounding herself with so many similar ladies driven and focused on a bright future? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to join up dots with the one and only Isha Uppalapati Show Highlights During todays show we discussed such weighty subjects with Isha Uppalapati Isha shares how her father has started several companies in his life, which was so inspirational to her by his desire to never give up. We talk openly about the slow progress that all businesses go through right at the very beginning and how to build momentum. and lastly....... Isha shares her view that the girls of the world are often the diamonds that are ready to be polished.'