161: Wesley Chapman: A Man Blazing A Path For The Kids Of The World

Published: Oct. 6, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is a man who has a desire to give back to the world and empower the youth of today. \\xa0 For the ages of 11 to 17 he is creating a movement to assist, support and empower young individuals that are living or have experienced issues in their personal lives that are quite simply too horrible for the majority of us to understand. Abuse, both mental and physical, the stripping away of self esteem, the taking away of bright futures that should be a child\\u2019s right. Leaving many with no other option than to feel they have to take their own lives. He understands how they feel, as for many years he was just like them. Trapped in a dark world as a child, that no child should endure. \\xa0 Memories of trips to the circus. Visits to the park, or just fun and free moments which all children should savour not something that he can look back at. He tried to take his own life many many times, and thank god he didn\\u2019t succeed, as he is know fighting back. His entrepreneurial journey has led him through many different dots, and its the joining of his dots that are so remarkable. Remarkable as with each step he has taken into the light, his own personal light is burning brighter and brighter and now with his Human Project he is blazing a path for millions to follow. As he says on his blog \\u201cI work daily to spread the message of H.U.M.A.N.; HOPE, UNDERSTANDING, MAKING A CHOICE, ACTION STEPS and NOURISHING THE POSSIBILITIES. I work with youth who are looking for new hope and a new path. Youth that refuse to let their surroundings dictate their outcome. Youth that want to become more then they are shown, told or given the resources to become. Youth that are willing to take action and make choices their parents were not able to do in their lives. My mission is to eliminate the words, \\u201cbroken\\u201d, \\u201cworthless\\u201d and \\u201cvictim\\u201d from the children\\u2019s vocabulary we reach. I speak all over the United States to children educating them on their REAL options in life. Informing them that all they must do is dream, act and nurture the possibilities to achieve ultimate joy.\\u201d Before I have even spoken a word\\xa0 to todays guest, I can say that he is a total inspiration to me, and so its with a huge honour that I bring onto the show to start joining up dots, the one and only Wesley Chapman. Dream Jobs, Online Courses, Persistence, Personal Trainer, Decision Making, Publicity, Young Entrepreneur, Freedom, Addicted, Shawn Stevenson, American Hustle, Make Money Online, Motivational Quotes, Expedition, Challenges, Steve Jobs, How To Start A Business, The Secret, Rich, Online Marketing, Time Management, Blogger, Videos, Recruiting, Authentic, Travel Blogs, Ultra Running, American Football, How To Make Money, Online Business, Company Culture, Law Of Attraction, Planet Money, Jobs, Video Marketing, Linkedin, Success Principles, Digital Marketing, Action Taking, Starting A Business, Successful Entrepreneurs, Personal Branding, Amazon, Lead Generation, Career Change, Life Planner, Comfort zone, Simplicity, Break The Rules, Book Launches, Personal Finance, Secret To Success, Business Plan, Health And Fitness, Tech Startup, Self Publishing, Entrepreneurs, Love, Career Path, Educational, Creativity, Selling, motivation, motivational, inspiration, confidence, success, freedom'