131: Jo Roberts: Changing The Lives Of Young Adults With The Help Of Nature

Published: Sept. 6, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b"Todays guest was born in South Africa and spent her childhood enjoying the amazing wildlife of Africa. So its a not a surprise really that her life has stayed close to nature, and since 2004 she has held the position of Director of the Wilderness Foundation, developing\\xa0ways that we can link wilderness trails to peace and reconciliation. But her connection with the foundation goes back a lot further to 1998. She believes that the effects of\\xa0protecting the\\xa0wilderness is a great way of developing sound youth leadership built on environmental awareness and ethics, especially the youths that might be considered as at risk. Take kids who might have lost their morals, focus or perhaps a belief that the world is a wonderful place, and get them to challenge their attention into protecting and establishing the world. It seems to me a fantastic way to bring the lost souls back to us in a hugely positive way and is something we need more and more off across the globe. But lets find out where she channels her efforts on a daily basis. And whether this lady who is spending her time providing such value to the world, is content with her efforts, or like so many wonderfully caring people does she beat herself up that she isn't doing as much as she would want for the world? And lastly I suppose could she imagine any other life, or was it destined from her very first days on the earth? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show, to start joining up dots, the one and only Jo Roberts. Dream Jobs, Online Courses, Persistence, Personal Trainer, Decision Making, Publicity, Young Entrepreneur, Freedom, Addicted, Shawn Stevenson, American Hustle, Make Money Online, Motivational Quotes, Expedition, Challenges, Steve Jobs, How To Start A Business, The Secret, Rich, Online Marketing, Time Management, Blogger, Videos, Recruiting, Authentic, Travel Blogs, Ultra Running, American Football, How To Make Money, Online Business, Company Culture, Law Of Attraction, Planet Money, Jobs, Video Marketing, Linkedin, Success Principles, Digital Marketing, Action Taking, Starting A Business, Successful Entrepreneurs, Personal Branding, Amazon, Lead Generation, Career Change, Life Planner, Comfort zone, Simplicity, Break The Rules, Book Launches, Personal Finance, Secret To Success, Business Plan, Health And Fitness, Tech Startup, Self Publishing, Entrepreneurs, Love, Career Path, Educational, Creativity, Selling, motivation, motivational, inspiration, confidence, success, freedom"