Episode 003: What is the Craziest Thing You’ve Ever Seen?!

Published: Jan. 20, 2020, 10 a.m.

"What is the craziest thing you've ever seen?" This is the question that we always hear when talking about our profession on the ambulance. Well, today is the day that we share some of those grim stories. Megan and Gerry both share 911 calls that are gnarly to say the least. They also read two EMS stories sent in that bring some comical relief to a morbid subject. Driving under the influence, not wearing seat belts, and loosing a fight against a fireball pretty much sums up the gore that will be discussed. If you have a weak stomach or may be triggered by some of these topics this episode is not for you. However, if you are intrigued then sit back, relax, and enjoy the podcast!

Additional Information for first responders needing assistance:

Frontline Helpline
24/7 coverage w/first responder call-takers

Law Enforcement confidential helpline

Safe Call Now
24/7 Help line staffed by first responders for first responders and their family.

Fire/EMS Helpline
Text based help service

Source: https://www.crewcarelife.com/crisis-support/