The FIFTH Best War of the Roses Of 2023

Published: Dec. 14, 2023, 1:46 p.m.

b"We're counting down the five best War of the Roses of 2023! These Roses are some of the most hilarious, talked about, or interesting Roses of 2023 and deserve being honored with another go-around!

The FIFTH best War of the Roses featured Andrew and Melissa who had been dating for a little over a year and a half and while they don\\u2019t live with one another, they discussed moving in when their leases are up. However, Andrew has started to notice that Melissa acts like she is \\u201csingle in public\\u201d and hasn\\u2019t even posted any photos of them together on her social media. At the same time Andrew has noticed that Melissa has gone on a lot of \\u201cgirls nights\\u201d the past few weeks and he even found multiple used condom wrappers in her car and they don\\u2019t use them whenever they are in the bedroom. Find out what\\u2018s really going on in this War of the Roses!