She Was Too Loud For Our Neighbor!

Published: June 8, 2023, 1:32 p.m.

b'Mike and Cassie have been dating for a little over two years and for the past ten months have been living together. They both work opposite work schedules because Mike works at night so they are usually by themselves during the week when they get off of work. The other day when Mike went to the gym he actually ran into his neighbor and he told him that it seemed like Cassie was making a lot of noise through their bedroom wall that Mike\\u2019s neighbor shares. Mike\\u2019s neighbor even recorded the noise and Mike was convinced that Cassie is cheating on him.

We call Cassie pretending to be The Morning Bull Ride and when we ask her who the last person she saw naked was, Cassie tells us someone named Jeremy! Find out what\\u2018s really going on in today\\u2019s all NEW War of the Roses!'