My Friend Is Extra-Flirty!

Published: Sept. 26, 2022, 1:06 p.m.

b'Tori calls us telling us that she wants to do a Roses on her friend Bianca even though they\\u2019re not romantically-involved because Tori feels like Bianca is going to cheat on her current boyfriend Martin that Tori thinks is great for her. Tori tells us that Bianca is a flirt and has a \\u201cwandering eye\\u201d and that she has seen Bianca be extra flirty with people whenever they go out. Tori thinks Bianca isn\\u2019t taking her relationship with Martin seriously and wants to help her realize he is good for her.

We call Bianca pretending to offer her a free couples massage and when we ask her who she wants to bring with her she tells us someone named \\u201cKen\\u201d who she claims is her \\u201csugar daddy.\\u201d Find out what\\u2018s really going on in today\\u2019s all NEW War of the Roses!'