Her Best Friend Lied To Me!

Published: March 10, 2022, 1:59 p.m.

Ryan and Maddie have been together for two years and as of right now Ryan tells us that things have been going great because not only did he get a new promotion at work, but he also got a new car and a new place. Ryan thought now was also the perfect time to propose to Maddie so he asked her best friend about what ring Maddie would like, but when Ryan met up with her, she seemed kind of stand-offish with Ryan and he felt like she was hiding something. Ryan’s not sure what’s up, but he’s worried something is going on which is why Maddie’s friend acted weird with Ryan.

We call Maddie pretending to offer her a free couples massage and when we ask her as to who she wants to bring with her, Maddie asks if she can bring someone named Nate who she claims is her “friend with benefits.” Find out what‘s really going on in today’s all NEW War of the Roses!