He Would Pay For Cleaning Services!

Published: Nov. 16, 2023, 2:19 p.m.

b'Nicole and Brian first met in high school and dated until college. It wasn\\u2019t until two years ago that they got back together and so far things have been pretty solid. Nicole normally travels for work so she assumed Brian would want to keep their intimacy up while they\\u2019re apart, but he seems relatively slow to answer her texts compared to when she is in town. At the same time, Nicole found out that Brian hired a cleaning service recently and she\\u2019s not sure why he randomly started doing so, but she\\u2019s starting to think someone else might be in the picture.

We call Brian pretending to offer him a free bouquet of flowers and when we ask him who he wants to send them to, Brian asks if we can send them to his place because he wants to surprise someone named Chelsea with them. Find out what\\u2018s really going on in today\\u2019s all NEW War of the Roses!'