He Would Never Answer His Phone!

Published: June 15, 2023, 1:22 p.m.

b'Erica and Will have been dating on and off for three years since their senior year of college and Erica tells us they have been together again for the past three months. We find out that the last time they broke up was because Will had a tendency to stray and cheat on Erica with other women, but she forgave him and took him back. Erica thought things were going well, but she\\u2019s noticed that Will comes home from work late and whenever she isn\\u2019t with Erica she has no idea where he is because he doesn\\u2019t answer his phone. She also tells us that Will has been working out more often than he normally does so she\\u2019s thinking Will is straying away again.

We call Will pretending to send him a free bouquet of flowers and when we ask him who he wants to send them to, Will asks if we can send them to Nicole who he claims is his \\u201ccurrent interest right now.\\u201d Find out what\\u2018s really going on in today\\u2019s all NEW War of the Roses!'