He Was Still Flirting With Our Coworkers!

Published: March 4, 2024, 1:19 p.m.

b'Ava and Evan have been dating for a little over two months and actually work together in the same office. They haven\\u2019t really disclosed it to work so nobody in their office really knows about their relationship. Ava travels between branches for their company and tells us that the office gossip is that Evan is a flirt in the office. Even though they have become official, Ava tells us that Evan still goes out with drinks with their female coworkers and while they were on a road trip this weekend Ava answered a call from one of Evan\\u2019s female coworkers Kristen and he freaked out.. She\\u2019s slightly worried Evan isn\\u2019t fully in the relationship as much as she is.
We call Evan pretending to send him a free bouquet of flowers and when we ask him who he wants to send the flowers to, Evan asks if we can send them to someone named Kenzie who he is seeing later tonight. Find out what\\u2019s really going on in this week\\u2019s War Of The Roses!