He Was Getting Texts On His Laptop!

Published: April 3, 2023, 1 p.m.

b'Erica and Ben have been dating for over a year and they have even been talking about moving in with one another when their leases are up later this year. Erica tells us things have been great so far, but this past weekend they were looking at places they liked on Ben\\u2019s laptop when Erica saw a text message pop up on his computer while he was gone. Apparently the text was from someone named \\u201cB\\u201d that said \\u201cit was great seeing you last weekend.\\u201d Erica decided to see the text history and saw that there were no other messages. She checked again the other day and saw that Ben replied back to \\u201cB\\u201d and now she\\u2019s worried there might be someone else in the picture.

We call Ben pretending to work for a restaurant group offering him a free romantic dinner for two and when we ask him who will also be on the reservation, Ben tells us to put someone named Bianca on the reservation. Find out what\\u2018s really going on in today\\u2019s all NEW War of the Roses!